来源: 2007-06-21 17:53:11


    【AbstractObjective To evaluate the longterm results of percutaneous microwave coagulation  therapy in the treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma

     Methods From May 1994 to June 2004a total of 216 patients with 275 nodules of hepatocellular carcinoma whose diameter 5cm had undergone percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy(193 men23 womenmean age54.68 years)Institute  review board approval and informed consent were obtained Complete tumor necrosis rates1ongterm  survival ratesrecurrence rates and the complications of the patients were analvzed

     Results The mean  follow-up period after microwave ablation was 40 months 4-24 (range6127 months)One hundred fiftynine remained alive and consulted our hospital periodically as outpatients seven patients diedComplete tumor necrosis Was seen in 9564 (263275)patients,1,234 and 5year cumulative  survival rates were 94.87% ,88.81% ,8O.44% ,74.97 and 68.63%, respectively.1.23.4 and 5-year cumulative recurrence rates were 20.0l% . 32.04% , 39.57% . 44.97 and 5290%.respectively Three patients have severe complicationsincluding needie track implantation in one patientbiliary fistula in two patients One patient died of pulmonary infection one week after the treatment. 

    Condesion Sonographically-guided microwave coagulation therapy could make complete tumor necrosis in most case of early hepatocellular carcinoma with low incidence of complications and this method has satisfactory long-term curative effect.

Key words Carcinomahepatoeellular Microwave Ablation Liver neoplasms






2.患者一般情况:19945月至20046月解放军总医院超声科经皮微波消融共治疗408例肝细胞肝癌患者,并随访至200412月,其中直径≤5.0cm的患者216275个结节,男性193例,女性23例,平均年龄55岁±11(25~81)。单发结节172例,占79.6% ,194216(89.81)的患者合并有肝硬化。216例患者中121(56)AFP升高。


1.仪器设备:(1)微波仪:使用UMC-I超声引导微波仪(航空工业公司207所和中国人民解放军总医院联合研制),微波频率2450MHz,输出功率范围1080w连续可调,系统配备了低损耗电缆和表面涂层的微波消融器(直径1.4mm)以防组织粘连。超声引导下定位肿瘤,14G微波引导针穿刺肿瘤预定部位,拔出针芯后导人微波天线,按预定的能量辐射,辐射作用停止后将微波天线和引导针同时退出,完成治疗。(2)超声仪:Acuson 128Sequoia512(德国西门子公司Acuson),凸阵变频探头,探频率3.55.0MHz,并配有相应的穿刺导向固定支架。


3.统计学分析:采用 χ±s表示患者的平均年龄和肿瘤的大小。采用Kaplan-Meier方法计算累计生存率和复发率。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。



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