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核医学 >文章正文
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Diagnosis of intestinal tract tumor through abdominal wall by 2-DE,CDFI and PW 王怀禄 刘俊娥 焦晓芳 兰州军区兰州总医院 超声诊断科 Wang Huai-Lu,Liu Jun-E and Jiao Xiao-Fang. (Department of Ultrasonic Diagnosis, Lanzhou General Hospital,Lanzhou command,PLA) Abstract
Objective:To investigates the 2-DE,bloodstream display and hemodynamic characteristics of intestinal tract tumor and metastatic tumor. Methods:The four kinds of diagnosis methods were combined to look for the metastatic tumor when intestinal tract tumor was found, or to search primarily focus after the metastatic tumor was found. The operation founding, endoscope examination and pathological examination were used as identifications. Results:①The following types of 2-DE imagine were found:pseudokidney,circle target, intracavitary tumors,extracavitary tumors and metastatic tumors;②The bloodstream display rate revealed by CDFI and CDPI were 80.8% and 88.5% respectively. They were characterized by rich blood supply in the base of tumours;③The positive rate of PW examination was 61.5%. The flow rate and RI varied greatly. The high flow rate with high resistance were common. Conclusion:①It’s difficult to diagnosis intestinal tract tumor at early stage. ②The intestinal tract tumor displaces quickly. ③The imagines of a few of metastatic tumor was similar with that of hemangioma,needing to discriminate carefully. ④The regular examination is important to improve the prognosis;⑤Despite of limitations,the ultrasonic diagnosis of intestinal tract tumor is becoming more and more important. Keywords:Intestinal tract tumor;Diagnosis 2-DE,CDFI;CDPI;PW 经腹壁超声诊断肠道肿瘤,报告较少。我们应用超声诊断26例,旨在探讨肠道肿瘤及转移瘤声像图、血流显示、血流动力学特点及其诊断价值。现报告如下: 材料与方法 男17例,女9例。年龄7-76岁,平均52.8岁。均为住院患者。 方法:患者按胆、胰检查常规准备。对疑有直肠病灶者适量充盈膀胱。2-DE(二维显像)发现肠道肿瘤,寻找转移瘤;或发现肝等脏器转移瘤,寻找原发灶。CDFI(彩色多普勒血流显像)和CDPI(彩色多普勒能量显像)观察血流显示情况,PW(脉冲多普勒)探测血流参数。综合四者所见,对其定位,定量,定性。 仪器:ATL Apogee 800,Philips sono CT XRS 5000型彩超诊断仪,探头频率3.5MHz。 |