来源: 2005-10-22 00:57:37

Clinical Research On Ultrasonically Guided Intrahepatic Injections Of Gaojusheng After Percutaneous Microwave Coagulation Therapy For Liver Carcinoma<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


陈波 梁萍 董宝玮 于晓玲 于德江

解放军总医院超声科,北京 100853

BoChen  PingLiang  BaoweiDong  XiaolingYu  DejiangYu

Department of Ultrasound,General Hospital of Chinese PLA,Beijing



Objective:To study the clinical value of intrahepatic injections of Gaojusheng,a kind of immunopotentiator,for the Liver carcinoma patiens who had underwent percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy(PMCT)。

Methods:From Jan 2000 to June 2005, 40 liver carcinoma patiens which had been diagnosed by pathepatic gave the intrahepatic injections of Gaojusheng with ultrasonic guide。First time at 1month after PMCT ,then the day3 、day 30、 day90、 day180、day260 andday370。The dose of each injection is 1600U, All cases were re-biopsied during the follow up of 1-60 months. Follow-up exzamination was carried out with colour US、CT、 MRI.

Results:The 1-5 years survival rates were 91.63%、79.04%、70.14%、65.08%、59.06%,and the unrecurrence rates in 1 to 5 years were 81.00%、68.96%、54.42%、52.48%and46.35%.However, therewere nosevere complication.

Conclusion:We think intrahepatic injections of Gaojusheng with ultrasound-guided for the Liver carcinoma patiens Who had underwent PMCT is a safe and effective procedure.

Key words:Gaojusheng; Microwavecoagulation; Liver carcinoma






40例患者中女性7例,男性34例;年龄28-69岁,平均53.9±10.2;肝细胞癌(HCC)32例,转移癌8例(原发癌为胃癌者为4例,食道癌1例,结肠癌3例);病理分级低分化癌6例,中分化癌26例,高分化癌+不典型增生8例;Child分级A级9例,B级30例,C级1例;36例合并肝炎肝硬化;肿瘤最大径线1.4~6.2cm,平均3.1±1.2 ;单发结节者19例,双结节者10例,三个或三个以上结节12例;AFP值2.09-950ug/L,微波术前进行过手术或TAE治疗20例,均为新发病灶;微波术前合并门静脉主干瘤栓3例。

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