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Imaging study of terato-dermoid tumor<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 董其龙 林建生 钱根年 李天然 南京军区福州总医院医学影像科,福建 福州 350025; 福建省安溪县铭选医院放射科,福建安溪 362400 DONG Qi-long1, LIN Jian-sheng2, QIAN Gen-nian1,LI Tian-ran1 Department of Radiolongy, Fuzhou General Hospital, Fuzhou 350025,china; Department of Radiology,Anxi Hospital,Anxi Fujian 362400,China) Abstract Objective:The value of imaging diagnosis of teratoma were summarized and analysed. Materials and Methods:The jmaging features including X-ray, ultrasound, CT and MRI of 90 cases of teratoma confirmed by pathology after surgery were amalyzed. Result:Ultrasound diagnosed 59 cases, CT 29 cases, MRI 10cases,X-ray 2cases. Thirty-nine cases were benign cystic teratoma, and 51 cases cystic solid teratoma. Conclusion:The diagnosic value of Xray is small,but has some diagnostic value when teratomas lie in thoracic mediastinum. Ultrasound, CT, MRI have important value in diagnosing teato-dermoid tumors, and ultrasound is convenient and cheap, especially superior in diagnosing pelvic teratoma. Ct superior to ultrasound and MRI in display calcifications and bones. MRI may display tumor’swhole picture and components. Key Words:teratoma; ultrasonography, X-RAY computed; magnetic resonance imaging 畸胎类肿瘤是一种较常见的原发性肿瘤,其病因尚不明确,但大多认为系由胚胎第3和第4对腮弓发育缺陷或细胞迷走所致。作者收集90例经手术病理证实的畸胎类肿瘤,并对其影像表现进行分析,旨在提高术前诊断水平。 |