来源: 2006-02-10 20:39:59

Multiple Factors Analysis of Complications of Ultrasound Guided Automatic Biopsy in Diffuse Renal Disease<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


马琳 张武 韩向午 范敏华

MA Lin,ZHANG Wu,HAN Xiang wu,et al

(Department of Ult rasound,the Affiliated Hospital of Coal Medical Colledge in North China,Tangshan 063000China)



  Objective:To evaluate the factors in relation to complications of ultrasound2guided automatic renal biopsy.

Methods:All the 511 cases of automatic renal biopsies (18G) were analyzed with single-factor and Logistic regression.

Results:The rate of complications was 7.44% and the complications were mainly minor. The patients with hypertension and acute renal failure had a higher complication rate (17.92% and 29.17% respectively), while those with nephritic syndrome had a lower complication rate (5.77%) (OR: 1.055~3.683 ,1.920~14.803 ,and 0.205~0.868 respectively ,P <0.01).

Conclusion:Among many clini-cal factors which influenced complications of renal biopsy , the independent factors were shown as follows:acute renal failure and hypertension (diastolic pressure in excess of 95mmHg) and nephritic syndrome. Acute renal failure with hypertension appeared to have an additive effect on complication rate(P<0.01).

Key words:Ultrasonography;Automatic biopsy;Renal biopsy;Complications



1 资料和方法

1.1 研究对象 病例来源为北京大学第三医院自19913月至19991511例接受自动肾活检(18G活检针) 的肾病科和儿科住院患者281230年龄8天~75平均32.8岁。其中包括血尿、蛋白尿或() 高血压等原因不明患者214例。所有病人出凝血时间正常。

1.2 超声仪器和活检针具 所用仪器为Aloka SSD-650实时超声诊断仪弧阵式探头(曲率半径为20mm),发射频率3.5MHz,配有穿刺导向专用附加装置和导针。自动活检装置(ABD)为瑞典Bard公司产品包括射程为23mmBiopsy自动活检枪以及一套与之匹配的Tru-cut式活检针。一律采用18G活检针(外径1.2mm、内径1.0mm、针槽17mm)

1.3 方法 自动活检操作按常规步骤和方法进行。全部资料均以EXCEL97建立数据库采用SAS(6.12)软件包进行统计分析。

2 结果

2.1 自动肾活检并发症的发生率 自动肾活检出现肉眼血尿15(2. 94 %),肾周或被膜下血肿23(4.50 %)。并发症共计发生38(7.44 %),均为轻度并发症未经治疗均自愈。没有重度并发症发生。

2.2 自动肾活检并发症发生的影响因素

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