来源: 2005-09-06 17:19:36

Evidence-based radiology<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

孙立军 贺洪德 李敬帮
Lijun Sun, Hongde He, Jingbang Li

  In this review, the principles of evidence-based medicine and their relationship and application to diagnostic and interventional radiology are discussed. In parllel with developments in medicine, the evidence base for radiology is now coming under increasingly closer scrutiny, the importance for development of evidence -based diagnostic and interventional radiology is described. The roles of evidence-based medicine are usful to evidence-based radiologic practice.
  Key words: Evidence-based medicine; evidence -based radiology; outcomes studies.

  循证医学(Evidence-based medicine, EBM)是人们在长期的临床流行病学实践的基础上,提出的一种有别于传统临床医学新的思维模式与医学实践方法,它要求临床医师在进行医疗决策时,应尽最大可能掌握最为可靠的事实证据来解决各种各样的临床问题。有人认为EBM对医学发展的推动作用可与人类基因组计划相媲美[1];更有人预计二十一世纪将是循证医学发挥重要作用的时期,同时,也将进一步促进临床实践由传统的经验医学向证据医学的发展。通过20余年的推广应用,逐渐形成了许多新的医疗模式[2]。影像医学包括放射学是提供最佳证据的技术之一,在医学影像新技术、新方法层出不穷的今天,如何将EBM原理应用到放射诊断学和介入放射学,是摆在放射学工作者面前的重要问题,应该引起高度重视。

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