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核医学 >文章正文
Clinical value of blood flow redistribute of coeliaca trunk artery in splenic embolization for patient with hypersplenisn, of hepatic cirrhosis.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 王兆华 尚璇 孙宝霞 梁传芳 王恂 龙启美 山东省枣庄市立医院 (277100) Wang Zhao-hua, Shang Xuan, Sun Bao-xia, Liang Chuan-fang, Wnag Xun, Long Qi-mei, Zao Zhuang City Hospital, Zaozhuang 277100, China Abstract Objective:To study the clinical efficacy of splenic embolization(SPE)in patient with hypersplenism Methods:30 patients were performed selective SPE with mixture of gelatin sponge and embolization for hypersplenism. Different periods of follow-up results were evaluated in all patients, hemodynamices, of lienalis and hepatica communis arterias were compared respectively ettween per and postembolization procedure. And hepatic artery iodied oil regetgeography was performed. Results:Procedure was succeeded technically. In the period of 2-48 months follow-up, Hypersplenism relative clinical symptoms and sings were released in 29 patients And leukocyte and platelet counts inproved significantly. In 2 patients with premature small hepatocarcinoma and in 3 patients with diffuse nodular metastases were found by hepatic artery iodized oil regetgenography. Conc I us I on: Conclusion:SPE for the treatment of hypersplenism is safe and effective.“Blood flowredistribute of coeliaca trunk artery”was advanced at first , Which has a sound efficacy improvement of hepatic functaon and ascites in patient with liver cirrhosis. It was significance tofind small hepatocarcinoma by hepatic artery iodized oil regetgenography. key words:Hypersplenism, Embolization, I odized oil, Blood flow redistribute, small hepatocarcinoma. 脾机能亢进成因复杂,临床上我见于肝硬化的合并症。常表现为一种或多种血液有型成份减少,骨髓细胞增生活跃伴有脾肿大,门脉高压等体征。内科药科治疗效果不理想,传统外科脾切除术,创伤大,并发症多,风险高。近年来实施的脾动脉栓塞术(或称部分脾动脉栓塞术)。从理认到实践基本上探索出比较成熟的经验,疗效十分显著。本文就我院2000年1月至2004年8月实施的30例脾动脉栓塞术的技术操作及栓塞前后的处理报告如下: 材料与方法 一、临床资料 30例病人均有不同程度的肝硬化、脾肿大及出血倾向,肝功能clild分级:A级12例、B级10例、C级8例。B超、CT等影像学检查,脾脏肿大。化验检查白细胞、血小板减少,间或伴有轻度贫血。30例病人中男21女9,男女之比2:1。最小年龄13岁,最大年龄56岁。有消化道出血史1例。栓塞前均做骨髓穿刺,行骨髓细胞学检查,骨髓细胞增生活跃25例,骨髓细胞未见异常5例。合并肝癌者5例。其中2例为肝动脉碘化油造影所发现。栓塞后合并门静脉血栓者2例,其中一例行肠系膜上动脉间接门静脉溶栓治疗后血体溶解,另一例伴有消化道出血行胃底冠状静脉栓塞术而止血,一例女性病人,1月后复查,血小板、白细胞再度下降,基本无效。 |