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Applications of Radionuclide Targeted Techniques in Oncology<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 张彦彬 朱家瑞 海军总医院核医学科,北京 100037 Yanbin Zhang, Jiarui Zhu Department of Nuclear Medicine , Navy General Hospital, Beijing 100037, China ABSTRACT Radionuclide targeted treatments are novel approaches in the tumor therapy, which include cancer diagnosis and therapy. This review summarizes some interrelated concepts, the classifications of radionuclide targeted techniques, the kinds of targeted drugs, and clinical applications such as PET imaging, 131I-therapy of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, 131I-MIBG treatment of tumors, therapy of metastatic osteoma, and some other techniques. The clinical implications of such agents may ultimately lead to better regimens and improved clinical responses. Key Word: Radionuclide; Targeted Techniques; Tumor Diagnosis and Therapy 一、概述 肿瘤是一种全身的疾病,但全身给予非特异化疗药物治疗效果并不理想,而且往往有严重的副作用,统计数据表明手术和放射等局部治疗效果优于全身化疗。原发肿瘤的局部控制是治愈肿瘤的前提,否则导致肿瘤局部复发或远处转移,改进局部治疗能够提高治愈率。目前一种新的治疗模式——“靶向治疗”逐渐形成,其核心是使治疗作用尽可能集中在肿瘤组织、肿瘤细胞,甚至肿瘤的基因。各种医学影像技术的进步及肿瘤细胞生物学机制的深入研究是靶向治疗发展的关键,临床应用的初步结果表明靶向治疗是提高肿瘤疗效的重要途径之一[1]。 |