来源: 2005-08-23 23:23:13

To Study the Diagnosis and Treatment of 23 Suffers for Acute Pulmonary Embolism in Baic Hospitals<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


秦俊明* 霍水平#

*山西中医学院,山西 030012

*山西省襄汾县人民医院内一科,山西 041500



Jun-Ming Qin   Shui-Ping Huo



Objective:To study the diagnosis and treatment for acute pulmonary embolism in basic hospitals.

Methods: Under the conditions of mon-pulmonary ateriography, nuclide haggis perfusion scanning, high-speed auger-CT, strengthening scanning, D-dimer, according to the results of the symptom, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, auger-CT and X-ray, make full use of the equipment on hand to examine the suffers of acute pulmonary embolism as early and quicklyas possible, and make an active and efficient treatment by vein thrombolysis or anticoagulant.

Results: Out of 23suffers,7are sudden shock,7vein thrombolysis,4die,16 are simplify anticoagulant and no one dies.

Conclusion:The basic hospitals can make full use of the equipment on hand to enhance the awareness of diagnosing pulmonary embolism. According to the results of the symptom, electrocardiogram, auger-CT and X-ray, check out the suffers as early as possible and seize the chance to offer the suffers in the rural areas a timely treatment so as to inrease the rate of living and decrease the rate of death.

Key Words:Basic hodpitals; Pulmonary embolism




1. 一般情况:23例患者中,以“冠心病、心绞痛”收治者7例:以“肺炎”收治者4例;以“支气管哮喘”收治者1例;咳嗽2例;晕厥1例;咯血1例;突发休克7例;反复肺栓塞者3例;死亡2例。

  • 上一篇 :小肝癌微波消融前后血清中血管内皮
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