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Ultrasound Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment of Biliary Complication of Orthotopic Transplant Liver <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
刘利民 黄备建 张晖 张韵华 复旦大学附属中山医院超声诊断科,上海200032 Liu limin, Huang Beijian, Zhang Hui,et al (Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,China) Abstract Objective:To investigate the sonograghic features and the interventional treatment of the biliary complication of orthotopic transplant liver. Methods:One hundred and thirty cases of orthotopic liver transplant patients were retrospectly analyzed. Results:Biliary tract abnormalities were found ay US in forty-four patients. There were thirty-seven biliary dilations, six bile leaks, four biliary stones, seven biliary sludges. Percutaneous transhepatic bile drainage were performed in two cases and bile leak drainage in five cases. Conclusion:Ultrasound is a sensitive method in diagnosis biliary complications of transplant liver. Ultrasound examinations should be performed periodically. Interventional ultrasound is an effect method for perihepatic bile leakage treatment. Key Words:Transplant liver; Ultrasound; Biliary complication 原位肝移植是治疗终末期肝脏病变的良好方法。肝移植术后存在一定并发症,胆管并发症是其中之一,早期诊断及及时处理对提高移植肝生存时间有重要意义。本文对我院130例肝移植中有异常超声表现的44例资料进行分析总结,报道如下。 资料和方法 1999年10月~2004年5月130例肝移植患者,其中44例超声提示胆管异常。44例患者中,男性39例,女性5例,年龄4~63岁,平均43岁。超声检查次数1-19次,平均7.0次。随访时间,1-36月,平均7.3月。 超声检查使用Esaote DU6、Acuson 128XP、HP 8500GP超声仪,探头频率3.5MHz。超声检查在超声检查室或床旁进行。移植肝检查包括移植肝血管内径,有无狭窄,栓塞等,肝动脉测量收缩期峰值流速,阻力指数,门静脉、肝静脉及下腔静脉测量最高流速。观察肝脏内部回声,有无增粗及局限性回声改变,有无占位及积液,了解胆管系统内径,形态、胆道回声及管腔内回声,了解有无胆道扩张、狭窄及结石等。观察腹腔有无积液、腹水。介入性超声包括积液引流及胆管引流。穿刺针为18G穿刺针,8F引流管,以普通3.5MHz探头引导穿刺。 |