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The application of Multi-slice CT angiography in abdomen <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 陈宪 刘玉林 陈军 安连峰 杜东屏 湖北省肿瘤医院放射科,湖北 430079 Chen Xian,Liu Yulin. Radiology department, Hubei cancer hospital, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China 430079 Abstract Objective:To investigate the technical parameter of MSCTA(Multi-slice CT angiography) and its value of application in abdomen lesions. Materials and Methods:110 MSCTA exam were performed with MSCT(Marconi Mx8000 Quad) , a combination of collimation width 4×1mm, 4×2.5mm and Pitch 1.25, 1.75. The raw data were reconstructed with 50% overlapping rate. VR(volume rendering) and MIP(Maximum intensity projection) were used to build Vessel image. Results:71 cases of Vascular abnormity was display in110 MSCTA exams. There were 47 cases(66.2%) of arteries abnormity and 43 cases(60.6%) of veins abnormity. Variantion of the artery was detected in 12 cases. The hepatic artery branches number increasing in 20 cases and portal vein tumor thrombosis or obstruction in 25 cases were detected in 38 cases of hepaticellular carcinoma. The artery involvement in 6 cases and vein involvement or occlusion in 8 cases were detected in 12 cases of pancreas carcinoma. And left gastric artery was involvement in gastric cancer(2), portal vein was infiltrated in cholangiocarcinoma(2), aorta dissection in 4 cases. Conclusion:MSCTA with appropriate parameter and reconstruction methods performed well in the quality of image and identifiable vessel diversion. Vascular anatomic variations, involvement of vessel to tumor and vessels lesions can display accurately with MSCTA. Key words:Multi-slice spiral CT CT angiography abdomen 多层螺旋CT(MSCT)采用Z轴方向的多个薄层探测器组成较大范围的探测器阵列,一次扫描产生多幅图像,增加了扫描覆盖范围和扫描速度,使快速、大范围的薄层扫描成为可能,满足了血管成像的要求,MSCT血管成像(MSCTA)在临床得到了广泛的应用,如腹部MSCTA可以显示影响手术方案的血管变异、血管异常狭窄或扩张、肿瘤对血管的侵犯等[1-5]。本文就MSCTA在腹部病变的应用进行探讨。 材料和方法 一、病例选择 2002年10月至2004年1月我科进行的110例腹部MSCT血管成像,剔除由于注射、延时因素等技术原因导致血管显示不佳和动脉及门静脉均显示正常的病例39例,MSCTA显示腹部血管异常者71例,其中男性49例,女性22例,年龄23-80岁,其中肝癌38例,胆管癌2例,胰腺癌11例,肝转移瘤9例,肝腺瘤2例,胃癌3例,门脉高压1例,主动脉瘤4例,腹腔多发动脉瘤4例,所有病例均经手术病例证实或临床综合影像诊断。 |