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核医学 >文章正文
L.CHANGHoNG.C.NAlYIN.G.YUEHUAN and Z.LIANZHONG<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Department of Radiology,Guangdong Provincial Hospital,Guangdong. China Accepted for Publication 29 octobet 1996 Meningioma constitutes 14% to 20% of intracranial neoplasms[1].Sites of predilection directly correlate with abundant arachnoid granulations and Iess than l% are extradual intraosseous:parasagittal and falx(5%), convexity (18%),sphenoid ridge(18%),olfactory groove (12%), parasellar (12%), posterior fossa (10%), intraveventicular (2%), intraorbital (1%)[2] and extradural tissues (1%)[3]. Extradural tissue includes the skin, the neck, the paranasal sinuses, the nasal cavities and the diploe of the cranial bones [3-5]. The intraosseous tissue refers to the diploe of the cranial bones.
Most meningiomas on CT are homogeneously solid tumours, but foci of necrosis and scarring, cystic degeneration, or areas of heavy lipid storage are identified in 15%. After administration of intravenous contrast medium,there is typically a striking degree of homogeneous enhancementof the tumour mass. |