来源: 2006-04-22 04:14:44

X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Intrasellar Cyst<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


董其龙 郝向阳

Dong Qi-long,et al.The94th PLA Hospital, Nanchang 330002



Nine cases of intrasellar cysts were reported,with emphasis on CT and roentgenologc appearances. The differential diagnosis of intrasellar cyst from pituitary adenoma or empty sella was discussed. It was believed that routine roentgenography and cerebral angiography have no characteristic signs but Ctis valuable in the diagnosis of this disease.

Key words:Sella cyst Radiography Tomography,X-ray computed


蝶鞍内囊肿临床报告较少,多在病理解剖中发现.其原因是由于鞍内囊肿较小时多无症状,且它与无分泌性垂直瘤以及空蝶鞍等的症状、特征、放射学特征很相似,术前本病常被误诊。Shanklin 通过尸检观察100例垂直体腺,发现13例鞍内囊肿,占13%,年龄从出生至86岁不等。Megrath报告的发病率更高,在83例蝶鞍内发现囊肿达33%[1]。我们搜集1982年至1990年间两院手术、病理证实的鞍内囊肿9例(其中江西医学院第一附属医院7例,解放军第九十四医院2例),约占两院同期手术证实的218例鞍内肿瘤的4.1%。

  • 上一篇 :Primary Intraosseous meningiomas
  • 下一篇 : 中耳恶性病变的CT诊断
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