来源: 2006-11-03 22:50:34

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Role of Echocardiography in Preoperation Diagnosis of Pulmonary Atresia


叶雪存 王卫真 顾萍 赖全图

江西省人民医院超声科,南昌  330006

Xuecun YeWeizhen WangPing GuQuantu Lai

Department of UltrasonographyJiangxi Peoples HospitalNanchang330006



  ObjectiveTo improve the echocardiographicEcho)diaghostic and differential diagnostics accuracy of pulmonary atreiaPA)

  MethodsThe data of Echo in patents with PA were analyzed retrospecfively. The results of ultrasounic examination were compared with surgical findings and Echo.

  Results7 cases were accurately diagnosed by Echomisdiagnosed of main diagnosis by Echo accurred in three cases of them. Pulmonary atresia with integrity of ventricular septumPAIVS)often had hypoplastic right heart syndrome. Source of pulmonary blood supply were many kinds. If main pulmonary have forward blood flowIt can be misdiagnosed as pulmonary stenosis. PA was complexed by deformity of many kinds.

  ConclusionsPA can be diagnosed by Echo. If suspicious diagnosis of PA though poor in imaging qualitywe should combine contrast Echo with angiocardiography to get accuracy diaguosis.

  Key wordsEchocardiogPulmonary atresia



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