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胸腹超声 >文章正文
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Role of Echocardiography in Pre-operation Diagnosis of Pulmonary Atresia 叶雪存 王卫真 顾萍 赖全图 江西省人民医院超声科,南昌 330006 Xue-cun Ye,Wei-zhen Wang,Ping Gu,Quan-tu Lai Department of Ultrasonography,Jiangxi Peoples Hospital,Nanchang,330006 ABSTRACT Objective:To improve the echocardiographic(Echo)diaghostic and differential diagnostics accuracy of pulmonary atreia(PA) Methods:The data of Echo in patents with PA were analyzed retrospecfively. The results of ultrasounic examination were compared with surgical findings and Echo. Results:①7 cases were accurately diagnosed by Echo,misdiagnosed of main diagnosis by Echo accurred in three cases of them. ②Pulmonary atresia with integrity of ventricular septum(PA-IVS)often had hypoplastic right heart syndrome. ③Source of pulmonary blood supply were many kinds. If main pulmonary have forward blood flow,It can be misdiagnosed as pulmonary stenosis. ④PA was complexed by deformity of many kinds. Conclusions:PA can be diagnosed by Echo. If suspicious diagnosis of PA though poor in imaging quality,we should combine contrast Echo with angiocardiography to get accuracy diaguosis. Key words:Echocardiog;Pulmonary atresia 肺动脉闭锁在临床上相对少见,依据室间隔完整性分为室间隔缺损型肺动脉闭锁(PA-VSD)和室间隔完整型肺动脉闭锁(PA-IVS)。本文回顾分析了11例肺动脉闭锁患者的超声心动图特点和诊断和鉴别诊断要点。 |