胸腹超声 >文章正文
胸腹超声 >文章正文
Experimental Evaluation on ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the normal cardiac perfusion and myocardial contrast, evaluate the myocardial contrast echocardiography on the anisotropic properties of myocardial tissue. Methods:Twelve dogs were performed with intravenous infusion of perfluorocarbon gas (C Results: The PVI of normal cardiac muscle and myocardial contrast of each regional left ventricular walls was anisotropic, and significant different (P<0.001). The difference of PVI after and before myocardial contrast of each regional left ventricular walls was also anisotropic. In that with significant difference (P<0.001). This kind of difference of PVI in normal cardiac muscles was over 35 PVI units. Conclusions:The PVI of normal cardiac muscle and myocardial contrast of different regional left ventricular walls is evidently different,which is caused by the structure of cardiac muscle and ultra-sonic imaging techniques. MCE can sensitively and accurately determine the whole process of normal cardiac perfusion. KEY WORDS Myocardial contrast echocardiography Harmonic Doppler tissue energy imaging 本研究应用本室自制氟碳造影剂结合多普勒组织能量成像对犬正常心肌血流灌注进行造影观察并深入分析各部位心肌的彩色象素视频密度(Pixel Video Intensity, PVI)值及其相关影响因素。 资料与方法 1.实验动物:健康杂种犬12条(由北京军区总医院动物室提供),体重10.5~ 2.造影剂:按Poter文献报道方法[1],自行制备:5%人血清白蛋白(由重庆健新血液制品有限公司提供)和6%低分子右旋糖酐(由石家庄制药集团有限公司提供)按1∶3的体积比混合,置于注射器内,固定于声振仪探头中。声振仪(SONICATOR XL2020,Misonix Incorporated, USA)的输出功率165Watts/cm2,声振时间为120秒,声振频率为20kHz。声振时由注射器下端推入纯净氟碳气体(PerfluorocarbonGas PFC, C 3.超声仪器:彩色超声诊断仪Sequioa 512 (Acuson公司) 5.07版本, 3V 4.实验方案:采用自身前后对照研究。静脉心肌造影采用二次谐波成像(SHI) +间歇式超声成像(IUI) +彩色多普勒组织能量成像(DTEI)技术,心电图触发间隔为3个心动周期。造影剂注射方式采用外周静脉弹丸式注射,剂量为0.05ml/kg体重,分别肌各节段彩色象素视频密度值,如表2所示。左室8个心肌节段造影后心肌彩色象素视频密度(PVI)值之间经SAS统计学处理,造影前后彩色象素视频密度(PVI)值之间均有着显著差异(F=4.84,P=0.0001)。 |