来源: 2007-07-19 23:25:11


Advances in Microwave ablation Therapy of Liver Tumor

Shao Qiu-Jie


Department of Ultrasound , General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100853


Abstract In the past two decades, various local ablation techniques of liver tumor under imaging guidance were widely used, and these techniques preserve more liver tissue and keep lower mortality than liver tumor excise while achieved the similar clinical efficacy. Among which, microwave coagulation therapy became an important one because of complete tumor ablation and good clinical efficacy. We reviewed this technique from its mechanism, indication, machine development, clinical efficacy and complications.

Key words: microwave ablation, liver tumor



一 、微波消融治疗肝癌原理



  • 上一篇 :超顺磁性氧化铁纳米粒子标记成肌细
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