来源: 2007-09-21 17:28:17


Metallic Stent Implantation for the Treatment of Postradiation Stricture of Esophageal Cancer

ZHAO Jun - jing , LI Zhi - gang , LU Jun - liang LI Shun - zong ,LIU Xiu - jian , HAN Peng - yin , YANG Guang , XIE Zhao( Department of Radiology , Fourth Affiliated Hospital , Hebei Medical University ,Shijiazhuang , Hebei Province  050011 , China)

  Abstract :Objective  To evaluate metallic stent implantation for the treatment of esophageal cancer postradiation stricture.Methods  Metallic stents were set in 36 patients ,of them ,there were 4 esophago - mediastinal fistula , 5 esophago - tracheal fistula and 1 esophago - mediastinal - tracheal fistula , and nickel - titanium heat - memory binary alloy were used. 40 stents implantation were monitored under fluoroscopy .Results  Stentimplantation was succeeded in all 36 cases , of them , two stents were set in four patient respectively. Tracheal stent was implanted in one patient with esophago - tracheal fistula before implanted esophageal stent. Dysphagia were markly improved or completely alleviated with esophago - mediastinal fistula and esophago - tracheal fistula sealed completely after the procedures.Conclusion  The diameter of esophageal stent seldom exceeding 1.8cm is more safe and effective therapy for the treatment of esophageal cancer postratiation stricture.

Key words :esophageal cancer ;stent ;radiotheraphy ;stenosis


  食管癌放疗后狭窄是临床治疗非常棘手的问题,患者吞咽困难、进食不畅或不能进食,直接影响着患者的生活质量,特别是并发食管- 纵隔瘘或食管- 气管瘘的患者,直接危及患者的生命。我院自1999 - 012001 - 12 36 例食管癌放疗后狭窄的患者进行食管内支架的置入,获得了较好的疗效,现报告如下。



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