来源: 2006-03-25 01:04:31

A Study on Correlation of Multislice CT Angiography Grade with Microvessel Density of Pancreatic Cancer<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


  *  许志伟#  林晓珠* 

凌华威*  韩天权#  陈克敏*

*上海交通大学附属瑞金医院放射科,上海 200025

#上海交通大学附属瑞金医院普外科,上海 200025



Objective: To investigate the correlation of multislice CT angiography grade with microvessel density of pancreatic cancer.

Methods: 36 patients with pancreatic cancer were graded the vascular involvement with multislice CT angiography by Loyer classification. The microvessel density value of the surgical resections were measured with CD34 IHC staining.

Results: 36 patients with pancreatic cancer were classified by Loyer classification1 cases belonged to Grade A~B, 18 cases brlonged to Grade C~D, 7 cases belonged to Grade E~F. The microvessel density of them were 31.35±9.36, 45.05±8.33 and 59.35±3.47, respectively.

Conclusion: The microvessel density of pancreatic cancer correlated with multislice CT angiography grade(rs=0.920).

Key words:Pancreatic Cancer; Microvessel Density; Multislice CT Angiography


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