来源: 2006-03-25 01:03:49

MR Virtual Endoscopy of Inner Ear <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


刘怀军 李书玲 黄勃源 崔彩霞

LIU Huaijun,LIShuling, HUANGBoyuan,et al.

Department of Medical Imaging, No. 2 Affiliated Hospital, Hebei Medical University,

Shijiazhuang , Hebei Province 050000 , P. R. China



Objective:To discuss the feasibility of displaying inner ear with MR virtual endoscopy (MRVE) and to study the anatomy of inner ear on MRVE.

Materials and Methods:3D FASE heavily T22weighted axial scanning was carried out in 53 healthy volunteers (total 106 inner ears). The original images were transferred to an online workstation where post2processing of the images and perspective volume rendering (PVR) reconstruction were conducted. With MRVE the inner ear structures were ob2 served.

Results:MRVE could well display the structures of inner ear from different angles and the pictures could be recorded.

Conclusion:MRVE is a simple and noninvasive technique , which is very valuable in observing the inner ear structures, especial2 ly the membranous labyrinth.

Key words:Labyrinth  Anatomy  MRI  Virtual endoscopy


内耳疾病是导致耳聋的一种常见原因,严重影响着人们的身心健康和生活质量。利用影像设备对内耳的正常解剖结构和半规管内部情况的研究一直在摸索之中。近年来,随着磁共振水成像技术的开发和利用,使内耳膜迷路显像成为现实[1、2]。但迄今为止,国内利用水成像技术仅局限于对内耳外在形态学的观察,未见有关于内耳腔内结构的系统研究报道。笔者应用MR 仿真内镜(MR imaging virtualendoscopy , MRVE) 技术开展了对内耳腔内结构的研究,报告如下。

  • 上一篇 :多排螺旋CT血管成像结合血浆D-二聚
  • 下一篇 : 胰腺癌微血管密度与多层螺旋CT血管造影(MSCTA)相关性研究
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