来源: 2006-02-24 21:28:00

Scanning normal pituitary gland and pituitary microadenoma by measuring central K-space<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


梁长虹 陈乃楹 黄美萍 郑君慧 谭绍恒 黄飚

Liang Changhong,Chen Naiying,Huang Meiping,et a1.MRI Room,Department of Radiology,Guangdong Provincial Poeple’S Hospital,Guangzhou 510080



Purpose:To investigate the clinical application of central K-space(key hole)imaging inthe study of normal pituitary gland and pituitary microadenoma.

Materials and methods:We prospectively studied pituitary microadenoma and normal pituitary gland in 30 female patients.Coronal and sagittal plane Tl weighted images were scanned,key hole imaging was performed,and then saggital and coronal planes Tl weighted images were acquired after 0.1 mmol/kg of Gd-DTPA was administrated.

Results:We found that normal pituitary glands were enhanced from pituitary stalk to Pituitary gland at 27 seconds and reached the peak at 75 seconds after Gd-DTPA was administrated.Pituitary microadenoma presented as hypointense areas on dynamic scan in 28 cases and on conventional enhancement scan in 1 9 cases.

Conclusion:We believed that key hole imaging could show the pattern and time of enhancement of the normal pituitary gland,being able to demonstrate more microadenoma than conventional enhancement study.

Key words:Pituitary gland Pituitary neoplasms  Magnetic resonance imaging


垂体微腺瘤在临床上多见,其诊断须靠临床表现、生化检查及影像学检查。我们采用K空间中心部分采集(key hole)技术进行垂体MR动态扫描,探讨正常垂体显影时间及增强显影的方式,对比垂体微腺瘤动态与非动态扫描的结果。

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