3560 例超声引导自动活检的回顾性分析
来源: 2006-02-10 16:54:26

Retrospection Analysis of 3560 US-guided Automatic Biopsy<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


张华斌 张武 贾建文 冉维强 苗立英

ZHANG Hua-bin,ZHANG Wu,JIA Jian-wen,et al

( Peking University Third Hospital,Beijing 100083)



Purpose:To probe into the technological advantage and the complication of US-guided automatic biopsy (US-GAB).

Methods:3560 patients who performed USGAB were analysed retrospectively. The relations between sampling suc-cessful rate with lesionscharacter , position and operating doctors were obtained. And the ratio of complications was studied.

Results:The biopsy successful rate was 97.8%. The biopsy successful rate was independent of lesionscharacter , positionand operating doctors. The ratio of the severity complication was only 0.12%.

Conclusion:US-guided automatic biopsywas a good sampling method with high sampling successful rate , operating facility , high histological diagnostic accuracy and low ratio of complication.

Key words:Ultrasonography;Automatic biopsy;Complication

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