来源: 2005-09-06 00:57:02

Reassessment of Hepatic Cyst Treatment with Alcohol Injection Under CT Guided<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

胡效坤 刘巍 蔡宇明 李辉 李晓光
中国医学科学院 中国协和医科大学
北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730

  Objective:To assess the therapeutic modality and indications of hepatic cysts under CT guided, so that to improve the healing rate.
  Methods:This study included 137 patients (62 men and 75 women ) with the mean age of 64 years old(range from 10 to 87). A total of 154 hepatic cysts were diagnosed with ultrasonography and/or CT and/or MRI.Among the 137 patients, 115 were of single hepatic cysts and 22 were of multipte cysts. Under CT guided, the catheter was placed and alcohol injection were performed. The patients underwent treatment for one time, two times and three times were 35, 80 and 22 cases respectively. The dosage of alcohol was 12~75 ml and the duration of catheter placement was 10~15 min. Results  The patients were followed up 1 week, 1 month,6 months and 142 months after treatment with CT and/or ultrasonography. The curative rate of hepatic cysts showed positive correlation to duration of follow - up and number of treatment. The disappear rate of hepatic cysts those were treatmented only one times was 30.8%、76.9%、89.7% followed up 1 month, 6 months and 12 months, and it was 89.7%、94.5%、95.8% followed up 12 month by treatmented 1 to 3 times.
  Conclusion:The curative rate of hepatic cysts has positive correlation to alcohol injections. This method can also be used to multiple hepatic cysts and polycystic liver. Keeping strict indication and therapeutic principles can improve the effect and reduce complication.
  Key words:Tomography, X - ray Computed; Alcohol; Hepatic Cyst

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