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The Clinical Application of 16 Dlice Spiral CT Multiple Teconstruction Techniques in Diagnosis of Neck Tumors<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 黄正林 广州中医药大学附属中山医院放射科,中山 528400 Zheng-lin Huang Department of radiology, The Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital,Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese medicine. zhongshan 528400. Abstract Objective: To discuss the localization and diagnostic ability of multiple reconstruction techniques that include VR, SSD, MIP, MPR, CPR, VE of 16 slices multi-detector CT in neck tumors. Methods: The characteristics of morphology, the relationship of surrounding structure, and the foci in 45 cases of neck tumors that proved by pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Multiple reconstruction techniques of MSCT could be flexibly used in displaying the neck tumors’ shape, arrangement, edge, density, and anatomic structure. The cases included eleven lymphnode metastases, seven lymphoid tumors, nine thyroid tumors, seven neurogenic tumors, three oropharynx carcinoma, two aneurysms, two cyst tumors, one hematoma, one lipoma, one lymph node tuberculosis, and one papilloma. Conclusion: Multiple reconstruction techniques of MSCT have distinctive ability in displaying pathological changes and morphologival features of neck tumors. The diagnostic value is higher than that of routine CT. Key words:Head and neck tumor tomography,X-ray computed 颈部的组织类型、组织结构和解剖结构都很复杂,是多种不同类型的原发肿瘤和转移瘤的好发部位,MSCT检查对观察、评价肿瘤的部位、大小、侵犯的范围、侵犯的深度以及有无淋巴结转移等具有极其重要的作用,对临床治疗和手术方案的制定有较高的价值。本文收集了近半年多以来,我院用十六层螺旋 CT对颈部肿块多进行多模式重建观察45例,诊断效果突出,总结报告如下。 资料与方法 一、临床资料 2004年5月至2004年11月对45例颈部肿块的患者进行多螺旋CT扫描,男24例,女21例;年龄2.5~76岁,中位年龄41岁。发现由鼻咽、食道、肺等部位癌肿转移至颈部淋巴结11例,淋巴类肿瘤7例(淋巴瘤5例,淋巴结窦细胞增生和淋巴管瘤各1例),甲状腺肿瘤9例(腺癌4例,腺瘤5例),神经源性肿瘤7例(神经鞘瘤5例,神经纤维瘤2例),口咽癌3例,囊肿2例(巨大牙源囊肿和腮裂囊肿各1例),动脉体瘤2例,其它4例(颈部血肿、脂肪瘤、淋巴结核、乳头状瘤各1例)。 |