来源: 2005-08-11 21:44:28

Intervenient Treatment of Uterine Malinancy and Uterine Hemorrhage<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


范海伦 贺能树

天津医科大学总医院放射科,天津 300052

Hai-lun Fan, Neng-shu He

Deper-tment of Radiology, Tianjing medical university general hospital, Tianjin 300052



Objective:To evaluate the clinical outcomes of chemotherapeutic infusion and embolism by superselective uterine artery catherterization for treatment of uterine malignancy and uterine hemorrhage.

Methods:Chemotherapeutic infusion and embolism by superselective uterine artery catherterization was perfomed on 55 patients with uterine malignancy and 7 patients with uterine hemorrhage.

Result:Angiographic success was obtained in all patients after chemotherapeutic infusion and embolism by superselective uterine artery catherterization treatment.

Conclusions:Treatment uterine malignancy and uterine hemorrhage using chemotherapeutic infusion and embolism by superslective uterine artery catherterization could obtain better clinical outcomes.

Key words:Uterine malignancy; Intervenient; Treatment






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