来源: 2005-09-06 00:52:34

Urgent intra-atrerial thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke

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张青 金征宇 黄一宁 崔丽英 杨宁 

刘巍 潘杰 高山 叶健 徐蔚海

刘芳检 王乐英 陈君 戴建平

Qing Zhang , Zhengu Jin ,  Yining Huang , Liying Cui , Ning Yang , Wei Liu , Jie Pan , Shan Gao , Jian Ye , Weihai Xu , Fangjian Liv , Leying Wang , Jun Chen , Jianping Dai.   

Department or Radiology, Beijing Peking Union Hospital,Medical Academy Sciences or Ching, Beijing Peking Union Medical College , Beijing Peking Uniom Medical College,Biejing 100730,China



Objective: We report the results or urgent intra-arterial thrombolysis(IAT)in patients within6 h or acute ischemic stroke onset.The purpose or the study was to obseme the sardty and efficacy of IATandto analysis the predictive factors related to the outcome .
Methods: 25 Patiepis were treated by IAT using urokinase(UK)or recombinant Streptokinase(r-SK)in our hospital. Primary meuroradiological assessment was performed with CT in all patients.Mechanical disruption or clot remnants was attempled arter UK or r-SK was intused.Amgiographic recanaliszation was classified according to Thrombolysis In Myocardial Ifarction (TIMI) grades.Clinical outcome was classified as good for Modified Rankin Scale(MRS) scores or 0 to 3 and poor for MRS scores or 4 to 6.
Results: There are 18(72) or the 25 patients had good outcome, 7(28)had poor outcome.Cerebral hemorrhage occurred in 4 of the 25 patients,all with poor outcome.  
Intra-arterial thrombolysis(IAT) is feasible and safe in the setting or acute stroke.Collateral ciroulation,recanalization and improvement by 4 or fhore points on NIHSSS within 24 hours were significantly associated with good outcoml, there was sigmificantly association between no recanalization and cerebral bemorrhage and death.The key to improve the effect or IAT was successful recanalization.
Key words:Cerebral inrarction; Acute dise; Thromblytion therapy; Radiology, interventional; Evaluation studies.




  一、    患者选择

  1、适应证:发病在6h内或最近4h脑卒中症状明显加重;年龄大于18岁,小于78岁,治疗前的美国国立卫生研究所卒中分数(NIHSSS)≥4分,有确切神经系统定位体征(如偏瘫、单肢全瘫痪、失语等); 脑CT排除颅内出血和其他非血管性异常,未见明显低密度区域。
  2、禁忌证:NIHSSS大于30分;临时工床表现提示为蛛网膜下腔出血(即使开始时CT扫描正常): 急诊应用硝普钠治疗后血压仍高于200/120mmHg(1mm Hg=0.133kpa): 有颅内出血史、脑瘤脑史; 怀疑有脓毒性栓子或心内膜炎; 30d内有手术史; 14d内有出血史; 已知的遗传性或获得性出血体质; 纤维蛋白原小0.12kg/L,或凝血酶原时间大于20s; 严重工业的心、肺、肝、肾疾病。


  • 上一篇 :CT引导下经皮穿刺引流治疗危重阑尾
  • 下一篇 : 旋转数字减影脑血管造影的临床研究
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