来源: 2007-08-17 23:46:43


Discussion of CR mammography technique standardization

ZHAO Junjing , WANG Hongguang , LI Zhigang , LIANG Guoqing , LI Shunzong

( Department of Radiology , The fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University , Shijiazhuang 050011 , China)

[ Abstract]  Objective  To study the standard of CR mammography technique to meet the clinical application. Methods  The mammography of 1 000 cases were classified according to breast type ,projected position and CR mammography processing methods etc , then summarized the CR mammography criterion. Results  If the bilateral breasts CR mammography were done simultaneously by both MLO position and improved CCM position , and conducted image processing , it could meet the demands for diagnosis in 96%of the cases. Conclusion  According to the results we consider that CCM position can improve the sensitivity of microcalcifications. The technique of multi2windows at the aspect of display and printing could offer much more information for clinical doctors , and the standard position of CR mammography , the criterion of image processing , displaying and printing , and the quality control regularization were suggested.

[ Key words]  Computed radiology mammography;Imaging processing;Multiwindows technique ; Quality control;Evaluation studies


随着计算机技术和图像处理技术的飞速发展,乳腺钼靶摄影与计算机摄影(computed radiography ,CR) 相结合,用于乳腺检查者日益增多[1] 。对乳腺CR 成像(摄影质量、辐射剂量) 、图像扫描、图像后处理及干式激光打印等全程进行质量控制及规范化,也就越来越重要。本文对提高乳腺CR 微钙化(0.21.0mm) [2]显示率、多窗口打印、投照体位及影像显示规范等问题进行了探讨。



  • 上一篇 :医用X射线CT辐射剂量影响因素研究
  • 下一篇 : 中枢神经细胞瘤的影像学分析
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