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<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Comparative study on the etiology and the radiographic findings of corrosive esophagitis in children 高剑波 岳松伟 杨学华 郭华 李荫太 高雪梅 赵艺蕾 GAO Jianbo,YUE Songwei,YANG Xuehua,GUO Hua LI Yintai,GAO Xuemei,ZHAO Yilei.Department of Radiology,The First Affiliated Hospital,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> Abstract Objective:To investigate the relationship between the corrosive and the degree of injured esophagus by analyzing the X-ray findings of corrosive esophagitis (CE)in children. Methods:Sixteen cases of CE were reported.There were 14 males and 2 females and the age ranged from 1 to 11 years with the average of 3.4 years.The aera and degree of the injured esophagus were analyzed respectively according to the characteristic and dose of the corrosive and the X-ray findings. Results:The average length of esophageal stricture in 16 cases Was 10.7cm,which was 63.4 percent of the whole esophagus.The width ofstricturewas0.1~1.2cm.The Injury occurred in the middle and terminal esophagus in 13 cases(83.1%).The average percent ages of the esophageal stricture caused by lyes and acids were 70.5% and 42.0%,respectively.The difference of the two Groups was statistically significant (t=2.359,P<0.05). Conclusion:Serious and extensive stricture of the CE In children often occurs in the middle and terminal esophagus.The severity of lesions depends on the type,quantity,and concentration of the caustic substance ingested,as well as on the time of contact with the mucosa.The esophageal length of injury caused by lyes is more extensive than that caused by acids. Key words:sophagitis;Corrosive;Children;Etiology;Radiography |