来源: 2009-02-25 16:35:53
Arterial Embolization and Chemoembolization in treatment of Sacrolumbar Bone Tumor
Wang Ning, Hu Min, Fan HongQi
(Department of Radiology, PLA 252nd Hospital, Baoding 071000, China)
Abstract: Objective To examine the value of selective iliolumbar arterial embolization and chemoembolization in the therapy of sacrolumbar tumor. Methods Selective arterial catheter was used, and gelatin sponge processed by high temperature or chemoembolization was used to embolize the iliolumbar and internal iliac artery which nourished the tumor. Results In the six case, two ones with osteoclastoma were treated by operation after embolization, whose hemorrhage amount was decreased obviously (mean=1600 ml), and the operation was successful. In two cases with hemangioma and two ones with metastaic tumor, tumors were reduced in size by embolision and chemoembolization and the patients' symptoms were mitigated clearly, and their life quality was improved and survival period was lengthened. Conclusion In the sacrolumbar bone tumor selective iliolumbar and chemoenbolization may serve as a secure and effective therapy.
Key words: bone tumor; arterial embolization
1 临床资料
11 一般资料
12 方法与结果
局麻下采用改良Seldinger法穿刺股动脉,选择性髂内动脉、腰动脉插管造影,了解肿瘤供应血管;或做腹主动脉造影,再逐支选择插管至所需栓塞的肿瘤供血动脉造影,证实导管位置且不含有供应脊髓的Adamkiewicz动脉时,缓慢注入由造影剂、抗生素及经高温处理的明胶海绵细颗粒(约0.5 mm×0.5 mm)混合的栓塞剂,待血流明显减慢时用明胶海绵条逐段栓塞大的分支,直至主干栓塞。 最后在腹主动脉分叉处近段再做造影, 以明确肿瘤供应血管全部被栓塞为止。对不宜手术的骨肿瘤行姑息化疗再栓塞, 其栓塞剂采用化疗药物和碘油乳剂及明胶海绵条栓塞。本组栓塞血管13支,术前栓塞2例,栓塞血管6支(分期栓塞),肿瘤供血较术前减少80%以上,行前、后路分期手术切除加椎体重建,手术顺利,肿瘤切除(瓜除)彻底,术中出血平均1 600 ml。2例血管瘤行明胶海绵栓塞,栓塞血管3支,栓塞后重复造影,肿瘤染色明显减少70%以上,2例转移瘤栓塞3支血管,化疗栓塞后肿瘤血供明显减少60%以上。上述6例患者临床症状明显减轻(特别是2例手术后患者更明显)。
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