来源: 2006-10-17 00:01:53

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Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy and Embolization of Bronchial Artery in the Treatment Of Lung Cancer


放射科:杨海山 赵 锋 王振常 杨淑琴

内三科:王每先 于运华 李 立 戴绍东

白求恩医科大学第三临床医学院 (长春市 130021

Yang HaiShan et al

3rd Clinical Medical CollegeBethune Medical UniversityChang chun



  Twenty cases of lung cancerin Cluding 14 smallCell carcinomas4 adenocarcinomas and 2 squamous Cell carcinomas were treated by arterial infusion chemotherapy and embolization of bronchial artery. There were 6 stage and 14 stage III cases in this group. Selective bronchial arteriography showed that all the 20 tumors were surrounded by fairly abundant blood vessels. Infusion was performed via the bronchial artery supplying the tumor with dexamethasone 20mg and adriamycin 4050mg followed by injection of mitomycin C 20 mg mixed  with iodized oil40%)13ml immediately to embolize the artery.Good results were achieved in all the cases.

  Key WordsLung carcinoma  Selective bronchial arteriographySBAGArterial infusion Chemotherapy  Embolization



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