来源: 2006-03-24 21:01:05

CT Manifestations of Hepatic Schistosomiasis Complicated with Carcinoma Areport of 4Cases<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


解放军九十四医院 江西省南昌市 330002

董其龙 张式林 王少臣 朱蔚兰


孙曙光 唐永平 黄圆花 何建成

江西省建工医院 放射科 刘仁

Dong Qi-Long et al

Department of Radiology,the 94th hospital of PLA



Among 17 patients with hepatic chistosomiasis Japonica identified by CT, 4 complicated with hepatoma are reported. Their main CT findings were that in addition to cirrhotic changes, there weresome strip-like fibrotic or calcified shadow discernible perpendicular to the surface of the liver, and that they were interposed by low density areas different in size and shape resulting in a map-like appearance. After injection of contrast medium,there was slight heterogeneous enhancement in low density areas but not in the fibrotic or calcified linear shadows

Key Words:Hepatic cirrhosis Schistosonmiasis Hepatoma CT

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