来源: 2006-02-10 01:09:48

Needle Tract Tumor Cell Seeding by Automatic and Manual Blopsy<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


吕国荣 吴春林 王静意 吕肖鑫 张武 贾建文

Lu Guo-rong,Wu Chun-lin,Wang Jing-yi,et al

The Second Hospital,Fujian Medical College



Needle tract tumor cell seeding (NTTCS) with use of automatic and manual bisopsy (14G,20G) for excised hepatic carcionma were studied and the literatures were reviewed. The results showed that;(1)The number of NTTCS was increased with needle-diameter (α=0.05~0.001) besides manual needle aspiration biopsy;(2)The number of NTTCS by manual fine-needle cutting biopsy (α=0.9);(3)The number of NTTCS by use of automatic bisopsy (14G,20G) was fewer than that by manual biopsy (α=0.05~0.001).It is considered that automatic biopsy may NTTCS and needle biopsy had a relative safety.

Key words:tumor;biopsy;needle tract seeding



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