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核医学 >文章正文
Sonography-Guided Percutaneous Biopsy of Bowel Wall: Results with 18-Gauge Core Needles.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 王旸 解放军总医院超声科,北京 100853 ABSTRACT Purpose:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and complications of percutaneous 18-gauge core biopsies of lesions of the bowel wall using sonographic guidance. Method:A retrospective study was made of 33 biopsy procedures performed on 11 patients with suspected neoplasia of the intestinal tract. Most of the biopsies were performed when the lesion is not readily accessible to endoscopic examination. Result:Satisfactory sampling was obtained in all patients and no biopsies were repeated. All procedures were well tolerated, and no major complications occurred. Conclusion:Sonography-guided percutaneous biopsy of the bowel wall using an 18-gauge needle can be used safely and efficiently to diagnose digestive tract lesions that can be visualized on sonography and are not accessible endoscopically 一、引言 肠道受肿瘤侵犯或炎症的累及时肠壁常增厚,超声表现为“假肾征”或“靶环征”[1-2]。由于该表现缺乏特异性,难以判定病变的确切性质。肠壁病变的组织病理学诊断通常依靠消化内镜下的活检,但如有内镜检查的禁忌症,及消化内镜难以到达的小肠段病变,往往需要行腹腔镜探察或开腹手术才能获得明确的病理诊断。本文回顾分析了近3年来我院行超声引导下肠壁病变18G针经皮穿刺活检的病例,旨在评价肠壁病变粗针活检的安全性和有效性,探讨该技术的临床应用价值。 |