来源: 2005-09-03 01:12:09

The Study of Nano Superparamagnetic Iodized Oil Heating Effect in the VX2 Rabbit Live Tomour Model<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

杨正强*  王建华# 
王绪曼△  古宏晨△  庞乾骏△
* 南京医科大学附属一院介入放射科
Zheng-qiang Yang, Jian-hua Wang, Xue-man Wang, Hong-cheng Gu, Qian-jun Pang
Department of Interventional Radiology, First Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China

  Objective: To observe the heat generating capacity of Nano superparamagnetic iodized oil (NSIO) in the VX2 rabbit liver tumor model and to compare the heating effect of arterial embolization hyperthermia(AEH) and direction injection hyperthermia (DIH).
  Materials and methods: 10 rabbits containing experimental hepatic tumors dived into AEH group(n = 5) and DIH group(n = 5). In the DIH group, 10% NSIO 0.5ml mixed with 0.25ml histoacryl were directly injected as a single bolus dose into the center of the tumor to a depth of approximately 0.5cm, 1ml syringe with 23 Gauge needle was used for this process after liver tu mor exposed. Immediately after injection, rabbits were placed into the gap-type magnetic field. The fiberoptic temperature probes were inserted into the tumor rim, normal hepatic parenchyma(NHP) 0.5cm from tumor rim and NHP 1cm from tumor rim, the probes recorded temperature every 10 seconds.
  In the AEH group, 3 Fr SP angiography catheters was inserted via the right femoral artery under general anesthesia and the proper hepatic artery was catheterized under fluoroscopic guidance. 10% NSIO 0.5ml was injected super-selectively into the proper hepatic artery under the fluoroscopic guidance. 3 days after embolization, the rabbits exposed to the gap-type magnetic field. The fiberoptic temperature probes were inserted into the tumor center, the tumor rim and NHP 1cm from tumor rim, the probes recorded temperature every 10 seconds.
  Results: In the AEH group, the tumor rim temperature increased 7.6℃ average, and the NHP 1 cm from tumor rim temperature increased 2.2℃ average after 10 minutes heating. In the DIH group, tumor rim temperature increased 10.5℃average,and the NHP 1 cm from tumor rim temperature increased 1.2℃after 10 minutes heating.
  There were statistically significant difference in temperature elevation extent of tumor rim or NHP 1cm from tumor rim between AEH group and DIH group. The extent of temperature elevation on the tumor rim in DIH group was great than that of AEH group, while the extent of temperature elevation on the NHP 1 cm in the AEH group was great than that of DIH group. There were no statistically significant difference in temperature elevation speed of tumor or NHP 1cm from tumor rim between AEH group and DIH group.
  Conclusion: In VX2 rabbit hepatic tumor model, after hepatic artery embolized with NSIO and then exposed to AC magnetic field for 10 minutes. Temperature in the liver tumor increased 7.6℃average while the NHP temperature increased just 2.2℃ average. The technica of hepatic artery embolized hyperthermia with NSIO is safe and feasible, the effect of restrain hepatic tumor with this technica deserves further study. The extent of temperature elevation in tumors with DIH was  satisfied and the value of DIH in interstitial tissue targeting hyperthermia worth while further study.
  Key words: Nanometer; Ferromagnetic particle; Hyperthermia; Artery embolization; Direct injection; Iiver tumor

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