来源: 2005-08-23 01:01:25

Evaluation of the Measurement of Left Appendage Blood FlowFrequency Spectrum in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院,哈尔滨 150001

Zhu-Ying Xiao

The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, China



Objective:To discuss the relation between the left atrial appendage(LAA)blood flow frequency spectrum(BLFS)and the defibrillation success rate in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation(NVAF).

Method:Totest the LAA's BLFS in 62 patients with NVAF by using transesophageal echocardiography(TEE)and analyse the group. The relation of BLFS to defibrillation successrate.

Result:Three types of BLFS appeared in the group.The defibrillation showed success rate of 100%I in the first type characterized by conversion, definite and irregular LAA filling and emptying flow waves throughout the whole cardiac circle; success rate of 80% in the second type, or intermittent, lower waves; and no conversion in the third type ,or continuous, lower flow velocity waves.

Conclusion:The test of LAA's BLFS by using TEE may predicat the success rate of defibrillation treatment in patients with NVFA.

Key words:Atrial fibrillation ,Left atrial appendage,Blood flow frequency spectrum, Defibrillation





1. 受检对象 非膜性房颤患者62例,男48例,女14例,平均年龄54岁(4976岁)。房颤持续时间为424周。其中高血压性心脏病15例,冠心病18例,扩张型心肌病10例,特发性房颤19例。合并二尖返流量在中度以下。

2. 仪器与方法 采用美国HPsonos-2500型彩色多普勒超声仪,多平面经食管超声探头频率为5.0/3.7MHz。 除颤采用美国HP公司生产的Code Masten XL除颤器。按常规经胸壁电击复律法行同步直流电击复律,功率为100~300W/S。

经食管超声心动图检查: 患者检查前禁食水8小时,检查时取左侧卧位,咽部局麻后通过撑口器将探头送入食管,当距门齿25~30cm处可显示心底短轴切面,稍屈探头并在 0°~45°反范围内调整扫描角度,既能充分显示左心耳结构。将脉冲多普勤取样容积置于左心耳的进出口处,使取样与左心耳排空血流尽可能平行,描记左心耳血流频谱。检查过程中联接单导联心电图与频谱同步显示,采用录相记录,以供回放分析。



  • 上一篇 :乳腺癌肿瘤血管生成的影像学诊断及
  • 下一篇 : 原发性喉淀粉样变的影像学分析(附九例报道)
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