来源: 2007-03-23 23:43:14

Sonographic manifestation of ischemic col it is<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


张万蕾李建国牛小敏王 雪武敬平王 宁

北京大学人民医院超声科北京 100044


  Objective: Toinvestigate the characteristics and value of ult rasound in the diagnosis of ischemic colitis.

  Methods: Fundamental imagingnative tissue harmonic imaging and color Doppler imaging were performed in 12 patient s with acute abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. The probe f requencies were 3.5-5.0MHz and 7.0-12.0MHz.Weanalyzed the loca 2tionapproximate lengthcolon wall thickness and color Doppler flow imaging of the involved colonic segment.

  ResultsAll the diagnosis were confirmed by colonoscopy or t reament montoring and follow2up. The location of the ischemic colitis could be shown correctly in 12 of 12 patient s 100%) . Ischemic colitis was identified on the right side in one patient 8.4%),in the lef t side in seven patient s 58.4%),in the t ransverse colon in two patient s 16.6%) ,in the splenic flexure in two pa2 tient s 16.6%) . The length of involvement varied f rom 10.0-20.0cm mean length 15.0cm . The symmet ric thickness of the colon wall ranged f rom 0.5 to 2.0cm mean1.3cm . Little color Doppler flow was observed in the wall of the af2 fected colon segment in four patient s 33.3%) . Flow was absent in the eight patient s 66.7%) . There was no thrombus demonst rated in the superior mesenteric vein or superior mesenteric artery.

  ConclusionUlt rasound could correctly estimate location approximate length wall thickness and color Doppler flow imaging of the involved colon. Ult rasound plays an im2 portant role in diagnosisfollow2up and monitor of ischemic colon disease.

  Key words: Colitis ischemic Ult rasonography Color Doppler flow imaging

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