胸腹超声 >文章正文
胸腹超声 >文章正文
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bladder masses in aged people 王慧芳 林庆民 韩兆凤 何还珠 陈悦 朱隽 WANG Huifang,LIN Qinming,HAN Zhaofeng,et al.Department of Ultrasound,Huadong Hospital,Shanghai 200040,China ABSTRACT Objective:To assess the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bladder masses in aged people. Methods:Ultrasonography was performed on 40 patients who were suspected as bladder carcinoma clinically.Cystoscope was then performed on ultrasonographic positive cases.All results were compared with those of histopathology. Result:The diagnostic accuracy of Ultrasonography was 92.50%(37/40) for bladder carcinoma when compared with histopathology. Conclusion:Ultrasonography plays an important part in detecting and diagnosing bladder masses in aged people. KEY WORDS:ultrasonography,aged people,bladdrcarcinoma 膀胱肿瘤居泌尿系统肿瘤的首位,发病率在逐年上升中,男性高于女性2.7倍,男性死亡率2倍于女性,大部分患者超过65岁[1]。早期发现,正确定位和定性诊断与治疗方案的制定,与疗效和预后直接相关。超声显像在对于膀胱癌的诊断中具有解剖位置显示准确,特异性高,可作为诊断和鉴别诊断的价值受到关注,现报告如下: 资料与方法 本组共40例,其中男36例,女4例,年龄65岁~87岁,平均年龄69.2岁。病例均为无痛肉眼血尿,间歇性发作的表现,且均为手术切除,活检病理诊断为膀胱癌。 |