胸腹超声 >文章正文
胸腹超声 >文章正文
Further Study on Cl in ica l Appl ica tion of Ultra sound Guided Automa tic Biopsy Techn ique in D iffuse Rena l D isea ses<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 马琳 张武 张国英 韩向午 范敏华 Ma Lin, Zhang Wu, Zhang guoying, et al Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100083 China ABSTRACT
Objective:To further evaluate clinical application of ultrasound guided automatic biopsy technique in diffuse renal diseases. Methods:Epidem io logical study of large samples with multiple factors and multiple levels was adopted. Results:Samp ling success rate obtained with automatic renal biopsy technique was much higher than that of manual biopsy groups (91.00% and 66.67% , P < 0.01) .Sampling success rate with automatic renal biopsy was not related to the length of tissue-core and the number of biopsy passes (P < 0.05). The complicat ions of automat ic renal biopsy group were significantly lower than that of manual biopsy group (7.44% and 66.67% respectively, P < 0.01) . We found that the independent factors in many clinical factors which had influence on complications of renal biopsy were shown as follows: acute renal failure and hypertension (diastolic pressure > 95 mmHg) and nephrotic syndrome. Conclusions:U ltrasound guided automatic biopsy technique with biopsy gun (18G) in diffuse renal diseases has more advantages and less comp lications, and can substitute for manual renal biopsy (14G). KEY WORDS:Ultrasonography Automatic biopsy Renalbiopsy |