来源: 2006-05-06 22:34:18


Ultrasound-Assisted Nerve Block Techniques


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Hai-tao Sun,Fu-shan Xue

Department of Anesthesiology,Plastic Surgery Hospital,CAMS and PUMC,Beijing 100041,China.



  Ultrasound-assisted nerve block is a new technique of peripheral nerve block which grows up in recent years. It is based on the target nerve localization by ultrasonic imaging and its significant advantage is the ability to provide anatomic examination of the area of interest in real-time. This technique holds the promise of improving block success and decreasing complications. This review describes the rationale and principles of ultrasound-assisted nerve block techniques,and its features of ultrasonic imaging in peripheral nerve blocks and  neuroaxial blocks so as to provide informations for safe and effective application of this new technique in clinical regional anesthesia.

  Key Words:Ultrasonic imaging;Nerve block; Regional anesthesia

  Corresponding Author:Fushan Xue:fruitXue@yahoo.com.cn





  • 上一篇 :可复性后部脑病综合征的影像学诊断
  • 下一篇 : M型超声心动图的演进及其发展前景
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