来源: 2006-02-24 23:41:47

Clinical Application For the Treatment of Midterm and Late Renal Cell Carcinoma Through Supercelective Arterial Renalis Perfusion Chemotherapeutics Embolization<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


马彦寿  唐桂波  李焕祥 吕峰泉  刘武军

青海省人民医院介入放射中心, 青海 810001Yan-shou Ma, Gui-bo Tang, Huan-xiang Li, Feng-quan Lu, Wu-jun LiuInterventional Radiological Department of Qinghai Provincial Peoples Hospital Qinghai Province 810001



Purposes: To prohe info the effect of superselective arterial renalis perfusion chemotherapeutics embolization in the treatment of mid-term and late renal cell carcinoma.

Methods:The clinical status (B-mode ultrasound of par renals,CT and MRI) of 24 patient. suffering mid-term and late renal cell carinoma proved that applying for seldinger method carries on arota abdominalis visualization the superselect catheter  to arterial renalis where morbidity occurs to take arterial renalis perfusion chemotherapeutics embolization.

Results: 6 patients 14 patients and 4 patients have got complefe remission [CR],patial remission [PR], and [NC] respectively in the group of 24 patients. Among them,renalis ectomy was used on 6 patients after 3 interventional treatment ,and the symptoms and response of the renal teatment among 18 patients were reviewed,The results showed that all of them can survive l year, including survivals of the 2-year and 3-year 9 patients and 6 patients.

Conclusion: Superselective arterial renalis perfusion chemotherapeutics embolization is the most important and effective way to treat the mid-term and late renal blood The curative effect is satisfactory and the opportunity for the second ectomy can be provided using the therapy The qreat clinical significance exists in the comprehensive treatment of mid-term and late renel cell carcinoma.

Key words: Renal cell carcinoma; Chemotherapeutics embolization; Interventional

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