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High resolution CT in the diagnosis of temporal bone fracture<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 宦怡 第四军医大学西京医院放射科 西安 710032 HUAN Yi, Department of Radiology Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032 Abstract Aim:To evaluate HRCT in diagnosis of temporal bone fracture. Methods:52 cases (56 ears) sustained different degrees of injuries of temporal bone. The chief complaints included bleeding from ear, facial nerve paralysis, hearing loss, vertigo. All patients were examined by HRCT with 1, 1.5 or 2.0mm thick slices. Axial scans were overlapped when ossicular chain disruption was suspected. Results:30 longitudinal fractures, 14 transverse fractures, 7 complex fractures and 5 other types of fractures were found. Other abnormalities were hemotympanum 53, ossicular chain disruption 11, facial nerve canal injury 31, cochlear and semicircular canal injury 5. Conclusion:HRCT is a reliable tool in the diagnosis of temporal bone fracture for its accuracy resulting from its clear and detailed images. Key words:fracture temporal bone HRCT 闭合性颅脑外伤常伴有岩锥骨折,本文收集我院1988年以来CT扫描遇到的颞骨岩锥骨折52例,并就其HRCT表现及诊断影响因素做一探讨。 |