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CT and MR imaging evaluation of skull base2type pituitary adenoma<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 江波 孟悛非 陈应明 马玲 JIANG Bo, MENG Quan-fei, CHEN Ying-ming, MA Ling. Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China Abstract
Objective:To probe the imaging diagnostic characteristics of skull base-type pituitary adenoma(SBPA). Methods:CT, conventional MRI, dynamic MRI, and pathological data of 16 patients with SBPA were analyzed. The manifestations of both CT and conventional MRI, the dynamic time-signal curve, time of peak enhancement, and average enhancement rate were compared between SBPA in the 16 patients and chordoma of the skul. base (CSB) in another 9 patients. Results:The CT appearances of both tumors were quite similar, offering no differential value. Both tumors were slightly hypointense on T1 weighted images, but SBPA was mildly hyperintense and CSB was markedly hyperintense on T2 weighted images. The T2 weighted signal intensity between both tumors differed significantly (P < 0.001). Scattered hyperintense bubbles within the mildly hyperintense tumoral background were noted on T2 weighted images in SBPA, and T2 weighted signal of the bubbles was much more hyperintense than that of the tumoral background ( P < 0.001) . The enlarged gland lumen of pituitary adenoma constituted the pathological base of the bubbles. The biphasic dynamic time-signal intensity curve was noted in SBPA, which composed of rapid enhancement phase and fast subsidence phase. While in CSB, the enhancement occurred within the 5 minutes immediately after the contrast injection. The time of peak enhancement and average enhancement rate between SBPA and CSB were statistically different, which were (60 ±10) s, (600±50) / min for SBPA, respectively, and > 5 min, (40 ±5) / min for CSB, respectively (P < 0.01, P < 0.001,respectively). Conclusion:CT is of limited value in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of SBPA. The pattern of hyperintense bubbles scattered within the mildly hyperintense tumoral background on T2 weighted images is the characteristic MR finding of SBPA and is of defining value in the diagnosis of the tumor. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI possesses great differential diagnostic value between SBPA and CSB. Key words:Pituitary adenoma; Skull base; Tomography, X-ray computed;Magnetic resonance Imaging 垂体大腺瘤的典型表现为肿瘤发生于鞍内,经鞍隔向鞍上发展,形成鞍内、鞍上的软组织肿块,CT、MRI 诊断不难[1,2] 。但对于向鞍上发展轻微而向下发展、颅底骨质破坏明显的垂体大腺瘤,CT、MRI 诊断非常困难, 常常误诊为颅底骨源性肿瘤[3,4] 。为有别于典型的垂体大腺瘤,笔者称此型垂体瘤为颅底型垂体瘤,有关这方面的CT、MRI 诊断研究国外少见报道,国内笔者尚未见报道。笔者旨在通过分析颅底型垂体瘤的CT、常规MRI、动态增强MRI 表现和肿瘤组织病理学资料,探讨其影像诊断特征。 |