来源: 2005-08-24 00:49:32

Project Plan for PACS Networking Construction<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


郑君惠*   蔡汉添#

广东省人民医院MR室   邮编:510080


Zheng junhui  Cai hantian  Department of Radiology Guangdong Provincial People’sHospital,Guangzhou 510080



Objective:To meet the networking requirement of the heave data flow and load blance during the application of PACS.

Methods:3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4300 was used as main switch and connected to each building by channel at 1 Giga speed to archive 100MB/s to each port.At the same time,the in dependence of the original networking construction was physically kept.The layer 2 was used as load blance to reduce the heavy load of the networking.

Results:An advanced intranet was set up to fully meet the high standard requirement of PACS. The good foundation for upgrading the whole networking system to 1 Giga application was built for realized share and transmission of image,information , and patient data within the hospital. The base was established for the standardized manangement of the hospital.

Conclusion:Good planning is the 1st step in setting up PACS and the equipment are the platform to run PACS and all kinds of HIS. The networking construction is the foundation of e-hospital.

Key words:Computer communication networks; Local area networks; Hospital information systems; Radiology information systems; Equipment design


影像存储和通讯系统(picture archiving and communication system,PACS)作为多种亚系统结构集成的网络系统,同时必须承担医学影像庞大数据量信息对象的传输和通讯,这决定了PACS尤其大中型PACS系统对网络结构设计要求较高。PACS网络结构的设计亦成为制约和影响PACS应用效率和系统响应的关键因素。同时,还应特别注意在建设网络时要考虑速度、容量、流量负担、负载均衡,以及方便将来网络应用升级等方面,确保PACS能够长期地、稳步地、良好地正常运行,为医院内真正实现图像、信息、病人资料等方面的共享与传输提供坚实的保障。以下根据广东省人民医院PACS医学网络的设计方案进行讨论。




广东省人民医院有大量的检查设备,放射科具有CT两台、MR两台、DR三台、CR一台、数字胃肠一台、KODAK 8700激光相机两台。

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