来源: 2007-05-21 18:42:27

Study on agreement about digital medical imaging displaying in different reading methods

   CUI LiLV DonghuiZHOU Lijianget al.Radiology Department of Shanghai Baoshan Central Hospital,Shanghai 201900,China

   Abstract  Objective  By analyzing a large quantities of diagnostic results of reading Xray films and reading Xray pictures,it is easy to show that PACS system has advantages in reading pictures and statistical agreement exists among the different reading methods.The method has been proposed for analyzing the diagnostic results and controlling the qualities of digital medical images in radiological department in statistical meaning. Methods  6000 cases have been selected from the Xray films in our hospital based on the random sampling criterion and the diagnostic results (positive,suspected positive,negative) in different reading methods have been obtained by doctors.Kappa values have been computed according to doctors diagnostic results.   Results  Soft reading method,which avoids the appearances of suspected positive diagnosis results,special displays and imaging processing technology improve the positive rate of the diagnosis results.There are almost the same diagnosis results between films and common displays,films and special displays,common displays by image processing or not,special displays by image processing or not in the view of Kappa analysis.Conclusion  Soft reading pictures are easy to store and process.Special displays and diagnostic imaging processing in our hospital help improve the positive rates.The statistical results based on Kappa values prove the feasibility of existing diagnostic methods in our hospital.

   Key words  Kappa value;agreement analysis;soft reading pictures;Xray films


   1  资料与方法

   1.1  一般资料  200384日~2004929日以7天为间隔进行等间隔取样,获取6000X线胶片的医生的诊断结果。再获取这些胶片的软拷贝,使之在普通显示器及专业灰度显示器上显示以供医生诊断。将这些软拷贝经图像处理后,再在普通显示器及专业灰度显示器上显示以供医生诊断。诊断结果阳性、阴性、可疑阳性三类。

   1.2  研究方法

   1.2.1  合适的X线胶片取样数目的确定  我院从20038月起,每天有200多张X线胶片的诊断病例,因而具有X线胶片的病例数以十万计。如何在如此众多的病例中确定合适的取样数目及取样方式十分重要。取样数目定为6000例,这样可以以99.73%可靠度保证对总体比例的误差在2%以内。此处总体是指我院的所有的具有X线胶片的病例。总体比例是指总体中的阳性率。取样数目6000是按下面计算公式得出的:

   n=t2×p×(1p)   (Δp)21




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