乳腺癌钼靶X 线片误诊分析 (附15 例报告)
来源: 2007-08-17 23:26:47


Misdiagnosic Analysis of Breast Cancer on Mammogram ( A Report of 15 Cases)

YANG Guang , ZHAO Jun - jing , LIU Xiu - jian , ZHANG Jing , YIN Feng - hua

( Department of Radiology , the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical College , Shijiaz huang  050011 , China)

  Abstract :Objective  To improve the radiological diagnosis of breast cancer .Methods  The authors collected 15 cases of breast carcinoma confirmed by operation and pathology. All these cases were misdiagnosed by mammography.Mammographic manifestations and data of clinic were analyzed retrospectively. Results  4 cases changed like small fibroadenoma , 3 cases showed microcalcification , 3 cases showed localized mammary gland architecture distrotion ,2 cases showed multiple small patchy shadows in the hyperplasic mammary gland , 2 case showed small focus of increased density , 1 case no abnormal sign , 4 cases among of them can not be palpated mass . Conclusion  The combination between palpation and radiology is valuable for diagnosis of breast carcinoma and decreasing misdiagnosis.

Key words :breast cancer ; molybdenum target mammogram; misdiagnosis


  乳腺癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤之一,随着钼靶高频乳腺机的广泛应用,钼靶X 线片已成为诊断乳腺癌的首选方法。通过对误诊病例X 线表现回顾性分析,从而进一步认识乳腺癌特别是早期不典型乳腺癌的X 线表现,以提高乳腺癌诊断水平。



  • 上一篇 :在X线诊断中防止肋骨骨折误漏诊的
  • 下一篇 : 软骨肉瘤的临床X线诊断(附98例报告)
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