来源: 2009-02-03 18:06:18
High frequency ultrasound in diagnosis of inguinal mass
LIU Xiao-yan,QIU Jun.The Peoples Hospital of Heyuan,Heyuan 517000,China
[Abstract] Objective Discussion on high-frequency ultrasound on the diagnosis of inguinal mass.Methods 96 patients with high frequency and color Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis and surgery or pathological results of the groin mass were analyzed retrospectively.Results Inguinal hernia diagnosis was 40 cases (rehabilitation of the 35 cases of hernia,incarcerated hernia 5 cases; pathology with a total of 36 cases,the rate of 90.00%),hydrocele 28 cases (of which spermatic hydrocele was 9 cases,testicular spermatic hydrocele 12 cases,traffic and hydrocele 7 cases,with 26 cases of pathology,the rate of 92.86%),cryptorchidism (groin-type) 16 cases (of which 14 cases of unilateral cryptorchid,bilateral cryptorchid 2 cases,with 15 cases of pathology,the rate of 93.75%),inguinal lymph nodes in 12 cases (including 6 cases of benign and malignant lymphoma 2 cases,4 cases of cancer metastasis,with a total of 9 cases of pathology,the rate of 75.00%).Conclusion High frequency ultrasound groin mass in the inguinal hernia,hydrocele,cryptorchidism (groin-type) has high rate of accurate diagnosis of benign and malignant lymph nodes.
[Key words] inguinal mass,diagnosis;high frequency ultrasound
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 腹股沟肿块患者96例,男80例,女16例,年龄5个月~72岁。其中单纯左侧腹股沟肿块38例,单纯右侧腹股沟肿块48例,双侧腹股沟肿块10例。患者均有腹股沟肿块病史,部分伴有阴囊空虚或癌症病史,96例患者中患侧腹股沟区有压痛者83例。
1.2 方法 应用PHILIPS彩超诊断仪,探头频率为7.5 MHz。受检者仰卧位,充分暴露腹股沟区,在肿块处及周边多方位扫查,必要时改变体位检查,考虑腹股沟淋巴结肿大患者,同时检查其颈部、腋下及腹腔淋巴结。所有病例均行CDFI检查。
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