胸腹超声 >文章正文
胸腹超声 >文章正文
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Detection of Whold vertebral Artery Using CDFI Combined with TCD 万 芸 徐佩莲 李建春 浙江省人民医院超声科 Wan Yun,Xu Peilian,Li Jianchun Ultrasound Department,Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital,Hangzhou 310014 China ABSTRACT Objective:To observe the whole vertebral artery (VA) and its hemodynamic change. Methods:Using color Doppler flowr image (CDFI) combined with transcranial color Doppler (TCD) to observed the morphology of the whold vertebral artery and to detect the diameter,velocities and resistance index(RI). Results:1. The detected rate of vertebral artery in the first and second segments were 100%,the third was 75%,the fourth segment was 98%. 2. The diameter:VA1>VA2 and the left VA>right VA.3. The waveform contained two or three peaks ,the RI was low . 4.The velocity of the fourth VA was fastest,the VA1>VA2>VA3,and no difference was present in the left and right VA . 5.The RI was VA1>VA2>VA3>VA4,not difference between the left and the right VA. Conclusions:Using CDFI combined with TCD to observe the diameter of the whole vertebral arteries and their hemodynamic changes is valuable. This method provide the cause of clinical symptoms from the morphologic and hemodynanic changes of VA in different segments. KEY WORDS:Color Doppler Transcranial color Doppler Whold vertebral artery 椎动脉(VA)分为四段,第1段颈段(VA1)、第2段椎骨段(VA2)、第3段枕段(VA3)及第4段颅内段(VA4)。应用彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)检测VA1、VA2段。经颅彩色多普勒(TCD)仅可检测VA4段,VA3段常难以显示,我院自98年开展经颅彩色多普勒(TCD)以来采用适当手法能清晰地显示VA3段,故应用CDFI及TCD联合检测VA全段已成为可能。现报道如下。 |